Master’s in Energy Management students talk about their invaluable academic experiences at the UT Dallas Jindal School of Management, providing advice, perspective, and vision.

J.B. Garza, Class of 2021
Owner, Vertex Real Estate Group
I like how UT Dallas engages us with real businesses in the area. We got a chance to visit a coal mine, solar farm, and natural wetland amongst other sites. The opportunity to engage with the operators provided real information about the multitude of challenges in energy during modern times.

Sharon McGrath, Class of 2021
Senior Plan Settlement and Revenue Accountant, Lucid Energy
I’ve been in the energy industry for the last decade, and I love it. However, I knew I needed to gain both broader and more in-depth knowledge of the sector if I wanted to advance my career. I compared UT Dallas’s Energy Management program to OU’s EMBA Energy program and found UT Dallas’s curriculum to be far more rigorous from many standpoints: business and economics, global, environmental and ethical.