Internship : American Express, New York
Previous degrees : MS Software Engineering, VIT University, Vellore India
Prior to FTEC : Bank of America, Chennai India/New York NY
As finance and risk professionals, it is of foremost importance that we understand the impact of our work on the global economy. FTEC has taught me exactly this, in a multicultural collaborative classroom environment. The program is well structured, that by the end of 2 semesters I had all ammunitions to take on the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) certification exam conducted by Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP).
We also had industry exposures through regular seminar sessions and were kept abreast on emerging technologies like Blockchain through conferences like the EmTech Summit. As a complement to my studies, I also had the opportunity to take up a leadership role at JSOM Dean’s Council. With immense support and motivation from the program directors, and a diversified course structure, the program has proved to be a stepping stone to re-launch my career.