Real Estate Concentrations

From left: Tommy Cherucheril, Andrew Nguyen, Franklin Avera, Jaqleen Phan, Kiana Razdar

Make a profound impact in the real estate industry.

Enhance your business degree at UT Dallas with a Real Estate Concentration and be empowered to meet the unique needs of the real estate industry.

Julie Lynch welcomes students to the Real Estate Investment Concentration at UT Dallas.

A Real Estate Concentration at UT Dallas Prepares You for Success

The Naveen Jindal School of Management has developed an innovative real estate program to prepare the next generation of industry leaders.

The real estate industry influences every sector of business and public policy. Pursuing a career in real estate demands educational and professional skills that cross a variety of academic disciplines.

Our curriculum has been designed to provide the quantitative tools and comprehensive skills needed to become an exceptional professional in real estate. Graduates from our program go on to obtain roles as financial analysts, lenders, development associates, corporate asset managers, brokerage and appraisal professionals.

Students in our program gain a foundational base to achieve further industry certifications and designations. Add the Real Estate Concentration to your business degree and rise to the challenges of today’s market.

Which Real Estate Concentration would you like to learn about?

Student Testimonials

Alejandro Jimenez

Alejandro Jimenez

Being a part of UTD’s Real Estate Program has been an eye-opening experience. My advice to anyone interested in the program is to join the Real Estate Club. The club first exposed me to the program and has not only allowed me to network with industry professionals but also taught me the fundamentals of both residential and multi-family real estate. Read More
See all Undergraduate Real Estate Testimonials
See all Graduate Real Estate Testimonials
See all MBA Real Estate Testimonials
the Weitzmans holding a plaque at the Jindal School Scholarship Breakfast
Donna and Herb Weitzman were honored at the Jindal School Scholarship Breakfast.

UT Dallas Herbert D. Weitzman Institute for Real Estate

The Real Estate Programs are supported by the Herbert D. Weitzman Institute for Real Estate. The Institute offers excellent student education, as well as the potential for internships, mentoring, career opportunities, financial assistance and scholarships. With one of the most diverse university student populations in the country, The University of Texas at Dallas participates in case competitions, the Real Estate Club and attend real estate industry conferences nationwide.

Learn more about the Herbert D. Weitzman Institute for Real Estate

Why study Real Estate?

Logo for the Real Estate Club at UT Dallas

6 Reasons to Study Real Estate at UT Dallas

Pursuing a real estate concentration at the Jindal School could be a life-changing step toward a rewarding career. Here are six reasons why studying real estate can set you on the path to success.

A TREC-Approved Provider

The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) has approved UT Dallas courses toward certain licensure procedures.

REAL/FIN 3305 Real Estate Principles is approved by TREC towards the requirements to obtain the Sales Agent license (45 clock hours).

REAL/FIN 4321 Real Estate Contracts and Law is approved by TREC to satisfy the Real Estate Law option for Advanced Real Estate courses used during the first renewal period (SAE) for a TREC sale agent license holder.

Please refer to the TREC website for further information.

Julie Lynch

Julie Lynch

Real Estate Programs
Herbert D. Weitzman Institute for Real Estate | (972) 883-4721 | JSOM 14.302

A career in real estate can be a rewarding and engaging pursuit. As a real estate professional, you work with high-dollar investments in an interconnected market. Our concentration is designed to educate students with industry-specific knowledge that will enable them to succeed in real estate.

Undergraduate students earning a degree in Business Administration, Finance or Global Business can earn a concentration in real estate investment management and develop a comprehensive understanding of the real estate industry. Through our program, students learn how to leverage real estate technology to analyze markets, perform financial underwriting, assess real estate investments and identify risks.

Contact me with any questions you have about our exceptional Real Estate Concentration at UT Dallas.